The 21st century is the century of the brain. This can have both exciting and terrifying implications. New discoveries in neuroscience concerning neural plasticity and epigenesis have become entangled with new technologies like Brain Computer Interfaces., as well as the Internet and Virtual Reality. The term Activist Neuroaesthetics is a discursive art practice that challenges the hegemony of neuroscience to be the sole arbitrator of these types of conversations and will be front and center in this discussion. This symposium brings together experts in the field of art history, philosophy of mind, neuroscience and technology to discuss this exciting subject and its ethical, moral and economic implications. Speakers: Elena Agudio, Warren Neidich, Joerg Fingerhut and Ida Momennejad.
Activist Neuroaesthetics / Can Art Change the Brain
17.9.2021 19—20:30 Uhr
Ein Symposion des Kunstvereins zu Gast im SOHO House & Co, Torstr. 1 (Anmeldung erforderlich)
Ein Symposion des Kunstvereins zu Gast im SOHO House & Co, Torstr. 1 (Anmeldung erforderlich)